Our Work
Our Initiatives Include:
The DIPRJ is an immersive spiritual and reflective journey through Durham’s racial history, its intersections with other injustices, and Durham’s current conditions. The pilgrimage was developed by DCIA faith communities, partners in the city, and community members who lived through its history. This offering to the community is part of our mission to build beloved community together right here in our own city. The pilgrimage is offered twice a year, once in the autumn and once in the spring, to the public at large, and by appointment for private groups. The pilgrimage is $130/person, which covers food, site fees, and honorariums. Scholarships have been made available through donations. This pilgrimage is accessible to everyone. Please contact DCIA for more information or any questions.
Durham Congregations in Action (DCIA) currently manages the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) funds for Durham County, through the United Way, helping to fund homeless shelters, food pantries, rental assistance, and other programs with Durham’s non-profits. DCIA also manages the Durham County Food Security Microgrant, which helps to fund food pantry and food security efforts in Durham on a smaller scale (up to $5,000). As DCIA is able, it manages other grants and funds on occasion.
Incubating Non-profits and Projects:
DCIA has hosted interfaith dinner programs, racial justice programs, stood together against labor violations, held de-escalation meetings and trainings around violence, racism, and other forms of injustice. DCIA has worked with youth for YO! Durham and elders for other initiatives. DCIA advocated for rights alongside other organizations and movements and founded programs like Meals on Wheels. In its long history, it has always adhered to its founding purpose: people of faith coming together to address the needs of Durham, pooling resources where necessary, creating what is needed, and holding space or vigil when appropriate. Every life is sacred. Everyone deserves their basic needs met and deserves a self-determined, sustainable, safe life.
If there is an initiative you would like to learn more about or if you would like to collaborate, please email durhamnaction@gmail.com.
End Hunger Durham (EHD) is a network of organizations and individuals working to promote food security and access to healthy food for all Durham residents. EHD builds capacity of hunger-fighting programs and individuals by facilitating communication and collaboration, with focus on the perspective of patrons of their services. EHD collects and shares reliable information about
hunger to strengthen hunger-fighting organizations in their mission, to build community commitment to their work, and to advocate for just food policies that will address long-term solutions to hunger.
HomeShare Durham matches and connects home-providers and low-income home-seekers to facilitate a mutually beneficial home environment where sharing reduces housing and utility expenses for both parties. The Coordinator conducts a selective matching and screening process, including a background checks and a lifestyle suitability questionnaire, a two-week trial period, and provides support and guidance in forming housekeeping and rent agreements, sometimes incorporating in-kind services as part of the arrangement.
Since 1975, DCIA has sponsored this local walk-athon for world hunger and disaster relief through Church World Service, which uses 75% of the funds raised for crisis assistance and development work around the globe. DCIA distributes 25% of the funds raised to various local hunger relief programs, recently averaging between $40,000 and $50,000 per year. In 2023, CROP raised over $200,000 to end hunger! To volunteer or get more information, click here.
DCIA is also the proud fiscal sponsor for the NC Poor People’s Campaign. “The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is uniting people across North Carolina to challenge the evils of systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, ecological devastation and the nation’s distorted morality of religious nationalism,” doing work in NC and nationally to protect voter rights, make sure leaders hear from people materially impoverished, and building coalition for positive change.
Assembly Meetings
Our assembly of spiritual communities and non-profit organizations meets monthly in area organizations to share a meal, stories, and information about resources in Durham. In the past we have had presentations on affordable housing and homelessness, hunger relief, criminal justice and racial disparities, fair employment, at-risk youth mentoring and career preparation, mental illness, education, domestic violence, and a variety of other topics related to poverty, racism and violence. At each, a problem or a program addressing it is related to opportunities for congregations to respond with action.

Applying for Funding
We always post in our events, newsletter, or social media when there is a grant opportunity. For any question please email us.
Funding opportunities include:
- Crop Hunger Walk funds
- Emergency Food and Shelter Program funds (EFSP)
- Local Mirco Food security grants
Resolution Against Religious Hate
See our resolution against religious hate.