DCIA 2024


Donate to DCIA today!

You can donate via credit or debit card using the PayPal button. A PayPal or Stripe account is not required. If you would like to use a credit card directly, please use “donate via Stripe”. Please also add in the memo line if you are donating for a specific program.

You can mail checks or money orders to:

Durham Congregations in Action

504 W. Chapel Hill St.

Durham, NC 27701

Please put “general funds”, “HomeShare Durham”, or the project or event you’d like to contribute to in the memo line. Thank you!

Duke and NCCU students listening to Ms. Vivette Jeffries of the Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation at Stagville Historic Site during the Durham Interfaith Pilgrimage of Pain and Hope.

Why donate?

Your donation to Durham Congregations in Action supports our work in three main ways:

  • Programming and advocacy,
  • Supporting developing initiatives, and
  • Enabling our staff to do the work of DCIA.


In supporting our programming and advocacy, you help protect and improve the food security of children and elders, create housing opportunities for people who are unhoused or underhoused, create an inclusive culture in our community through education, relationship opportunities, and acts of solidarity and advocacy. You help us work with others to reduce violence in the city. Our work is spiritually driven across multiple faith communities from all walks of Durham life. By supporting this work, you are giving us tools to implement collaborative solutions and steps to meeting the needs of our community. You are helping us build a beloved community in which all belong. Most importantly, please pray for us and with us—for this work, and for all of Durham.


Thank you for your compassion and generosity.

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