DCIA Membership
Congregations can become members through contacting durhamnaction@gmail.com.
Membership is 0.5% of 1% of a congregation’s operating budget; however, if that would be a hardship, please email us.
Members need to send two delegates to each assembly, are regularly involved in DCIA, vote on the budget, board, and major actions, and pay dues annually.
Members receive the weekly newsletter, opportunities for networking and collaboration, and all the benefits of DCIA sustainers listed below.

DCIA Sustainers
We invite you to become a DCIA Sustainer. Through their regular financial gifts, DCIA Sustainers help our cooperative, multi-faith network build Beloved Community in Durham. Anyone can be a sustainer as an individual, congregation, or organization.
Our vision is a community
- where no one goes without food or housing,
- where all are safe and secure, and
- where people respect and understand each other across differences that too often separate us.
DCIA Sustainers receive our weekly DCIA updates on opportunities
- to learn about human needs in Durham and resources currently available,
- to connect with others in meeting those needs, and
- to advocate for changes that can better address those needs.
- DCIA Sustainers are encouraged to engage in DCIA programs and projects
- DCIA’s monthly lunch, learn, and connect programs on human needs in Durham
- Durham’s annual CROP Walk
- Home Share Durham
- Durham’s new Interfaith Pilgrimage for Racial Justice
- Durham’s new Interfaith Project on Antisemitism
Please join us as DCIA Sustainer! You are an important part of the work being done in Durham, and we cannot do this work without our whole community. Donate online at dcia.org or email durhamnaction@gmail.com if interested.